Is it Possible to Get Cavities with a Dental Crown?

By: Dr. Fadi Zaknoun


Dental crowns are used to restore damaged or decayed teeth, making them a popular choice for anyone wanting to improve their oral health. While crowns offer excellent protection, some wonder if it's possible to develop cavities underneath or around the area. Though this is possible, Dr. Fadi Zaknoun works hard to ensure you receive the best treatment possible to avoid this complication.

Below, Cape Cod Dental explores the topic of dental crowns and how patients in Wareham, MA can avoid tooth decay. Call now to book your appointment and get the smile you've always wanted

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped "cap" placed over a damaged or decayed tooth. Crowns provide strength, protection, and an improved appearance to teeth that have been otherwise compromised. Crowns can be made from materials such as high-grade ceramic, porcelain over a metal substrate, or a precious metal like gold. Cape Cod Dental offers a variety of options to suit the needs of the patient.

How is a dental crown placed?

A dental crown procedure generally takes place in two or more appointments. Cape Cod Dental begins by administering local anesthesia and a form of sedation so you can feel comfortable throughout the process. We then prepare the tooth by reshaping it to properly fit a dental restoration.

Impressions allow us to create the custom crown in a special laboratory, and a temporary restoration is placed until yours is ready. At the second appointment, Dr. Zaknoun places the fitted crown over your tooth and makes any necessary adjustments before it's cemented into place. Our goal is to ensure your crown fits perfectly, feels comfortable, and looks natural.

Can cavities occur with dental crowns?

Dental crowns themselves are not susceptible to cavities, but the underlying tooth structure and the area surrounding the crown can still be at risk. Dr. Zaknoun and our trained dental team strive to ensure any decay or damage is addressed before placing a crown. However, if the crown does not fit securely or the patient does not practice good oral health habits, there is a potential for cavities to form around the dental restoration.

What can be done to prevent cavities with dental crowns?

Cape Cod Dental recommends the following steps to ensure protection for your tooth in Wareham, MA:

  • Maintain good oral health habits: Brush your teeth daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Flossing can also remove debris from the area around the dental crown.
  • Attend regular dental appointments: Professional cleanings and examinations allow Dr. Zaknoun to assess the crown and surrounding areas for tooth decay or cavities.
  • Address concerns promptly: If you experience any discomfort or notice changes around the dental crown, seek dental care as soon as possible.

Learn about our dental restorations

Dental crowns themselves are not susceptible to cavities, but the underlying tooth structure and surrounding area can still be at risk. Maintaining good oral health habits, attending regular check-ups, and addressing concerns promptly are essential for preventing tooth decay. To learn more about crowns and cavity prevention in Wareham, MA, contact Cape Cod Dental today. Dr. Fadi Zaknoun understands the importance of quality dental care.

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